12:09 AM,
Monday, June 22, 2009

AM booking in soon...

AM so tired...

AM so dejected Yet excited...

AM mixture of feelings again..

AM gonna miss every1 so much especially my loves ones..



WAIT FOR ME!!!!!!!!

4:39 PM,
Saturday, June 20, 2009

Yay~ Got my posting yesterday. YEA! FINALLY!! hah.
Before getting my posting, i felt anxiety and scareness.. -.-
After getting my posting , i now feel scared and curious..
What a weird me. hah!

anwhow, i got posted to this god-forsaken place "Glusocester camp" as Aerial Cargo Rigger..
Got NO Idea wth is that. Someone enlighten me ? pls? lol.
so i googled it and by far... what i can gather info about it was that im suppose to pack parachutes? lols. And probably, i would have to travel very often ..yaY! (tats a + for me)

sigh.. Dont really know if should be happy or sad? or rather both? still confused. =/

AHhhhhhhhh ~!! arhg!

Gonna upload photos laterrr ! photos abt things tat happened when i didnt blog! XOXO!

6:40 PM,
Thursday, June 18, 2009

Woahhh!!! my blog has been dead for like EONS!!! hah.
Well.. i have my reasons!
I know i know.. reasons = excuses but! , mine is valid reasons!

Firstly, im in Army and i have got like 0 time to even update!
Secondly, the feeling to blog just died as im really buzy with stuffs lately!
thirdly,im jus LAZY ):

0h well, shall update more often from now on whenever i can . XD


5:23 PM,
Monday, October 27, 2008

Was watching ' The Love Of Siam' yesterday . .
The Song sang by the male lead somehow just touched my heart?
I'm not really sure, It's as if the song was speaking about my life and my feelings.
The song just kept playing in my head repeatedly non-stop. . .
So i've decided to get this song no matter how! Fair enough, i was awake till 8am+ in the morning Searching for this song ' pieng ter / zhi you ni / love of siam Ost' . Ty god that my hardwork paid off well and good. Now i've the MV and all the sound tracks both in my phone and 'ipod' haha.
The song is just so beautiful. . and heres the English translated lyrics :
p/s:(this show is a thai show, and the song is Thai language, but i've somehow came upon the chinese version of it! how cool is that! haha)

Many wants to thank you to understand your payout
Many wants to thank you to pledge your invariable heart

The aspiration from is dispatched to forget mind and body exhausted I Still felt although from the depth the wound delighted
I Once crossed the dreary years to resemble without limits
But still some people cared that has you to accompany is feeling urgently joyfully
Starts to feel the love happiness
Starts to comprehend the life significance

The life all gives to you wholeheartedly
After is good is bad not, insults does not shrink
Because special your
I to do not only abandon until death faithfully
On first does not see crosses the date like year
Once crossed the dreary years to resemble without limits
But still some people cared that has you to accompany is feeling urgently joyfully

Starts to feel the love happiness
Starts to comprehend the life significance
Lets you listen carefully my aspiration
Tells you me to love you deeply day and night
Once crossed the dreary years to resemble without limits
But still some people cared that has you to accompany is feeling urgently joyfully

Starts to feel the love happiness
Starts to comprehend the life significance
This is comes the self-heart to sing for yours song
Comes song which self-heart other people do not hear
This is comes the self-heart to sing for yours song
Comes the self-heart only then both of us only then the understanding song

12:48 AM,
Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Giant robots are coming to Singapore!

heh, Came across this article in yahoo. Man, Robots man!!!! OMG!
LOS ANGELES - Giant robots are heading for Hollywood and Singapore.A new theme-park ride based on the hit movie "Transformers" is being developed for Universal Studios, the company announced Monday.
The new rides, scheduled to debut in 2011, incorporate robotics and 3-D, high-definition technology.
Hasbro Inc. and DreamWorks Pictures are helping to create the new ride, and "Transformers" director Michael Bay and producer Steven Spielberg will consult on the its development, said Tom Williams, chairman and chief executive of Universal Parks & Resorts.
The ride, like the film, shows humans caught in an intergalactic war between armies of giant robots that can change into cars, planes and other technological creations

Now now, Tell me our technology is Good or Bad now! Damn... how cool is that!

12:15 AM,
Tuesday, September 30, 2008


Finally! lol. My training at lego shop is going to end soon in 2 days time!
yea finally!!

Alice auntie was a nice and patient boss to me. Infact, 1 of the nicest boss i've seen so far.:p

Went out to study with pris on sunday. We had popeyes first thing we reached there, but to our horror, it was overcrowed and we couldn't find seats for us to sit down.

So much for the "serenity" at T3 eh?
Thought it was supposed to be empty and quiet, good location to study for people. Guess we were wrong. hah!

Having a empty stomach and worn out legs, we struggled to T1 which is like 100000000Km away from us.
It was crowed as well, but we managed to find ourselves seats =p

Pris ordered a 2 pieces chicken meal with whipp , and i ordered 3 pieces chicken meal with fries.

The convo:

Pris : The portion looks so small...... -_-
Me : hah, im ordering 3 pieces then.

Me : hi , can i have 3 piece chicken meal with fries, upsize and i want all to be breast or thighs.

3 sec later.....

Pris : WTF!

Me: ya wtf! SO BIG!
Pris: not fair la!
Me: the lady likes me. haha hates u!
Pris : im gonna eat 1 of yours!

In the end, we were so full, we couldn't study at all and all we could think of was SLEEP!
Kinda defeat the purpose of going Airport to study eh? hah!
Till next time!


11:08 PM,
Tuesday, September 23, 2008


Im officially employed!

Went to work at Ngee ann today. Had my training.
It was fun and the boss was really nice.
Good environment,Moderate pay, Good boss, Good slacking job!

Haha, what more can i expect huh? XD

11:13 PM,
Saturday, September 13, 2008

Happy B'day To The Both of You!

Happy B'day To The Both of You!

Happy B'day To The Both of You!

Happy B'day To My Dearest MOMMI and Kor!!

You 2 know i loves u guys most (:

p/s: I still want my watch!

4:11 PM,
Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Weee!! ,

New haircut!

New blogskin!

New shirt!

New pants!

New shows!

Everything NEW!!


12:20 PM,
Sunday, September 7, 2008

Sg Flyer

Early in the morning, my aunt called to ask if im free in the evening,
So i told her yes. Then she told me that shes bringing us all to sit the "sg flyer".
Thinking in my head ~ "sg flyer" = "Hot air balloon"
Till my mom told me... Its Faires Wheel.....
Hesitating cause of height phobia, they still pulled me there. ):

Well... It was fun... BUT! scary!! xD
The cabin was real big tho, and the senery from top was totally different from wad we see directly from the front! In the end, tho the whole journey was quite fast,
It was quite an experience! ty God i went there!

Entry tickt.

was suppose to have 4 ppl


Look at our eyes!


The Girls

The family foto

12:07 AM,
Monday, September 1, 2008


It has been a shytty hell of a week for me.
The entire week is like just not my week.

Totally pissed that i didnt even ate dinner
or just ate 1 meal a day.

But today,

Just now....

30mins ago...

. . .

. .



My opinion and anger in me just faded away.


Cause my brother came in and spoke to me.
He knew i was pissed off,
My mother knew i was pissed off,
My dad knew i was pissed off.

He talked to me about things and stuffs.
Which i felt what he said about me was true.

Maybe its time for me to think about what i've been doing..
Maybe its time for me to do some reflection. . .
Maybe its time for me to slower down my foot steps and take a look at my surrounding...

Be4... i regret everything..

p/s. yes. im glad to have you as my brother as well.(:

8:42 AM,
Wednesday, August 27, 2008


Sometimes i just wish i could move out.

Pls stop using those "crap" u always say!

I had ENOUGH of it already.

2:03 PM,
Thursday, August 21, 2008

Muahah, changed a new song. Its called my love will get you home!
Ok ok. ppl have been complaining me blogging too lil.
Right. i'll start uploading the pics at the next entry k? :p

9:20 PM,
Monday, August 18, 2008

argh! i need a hair cut! freaking hot weather is KILLING ME!
hmm... wonder where i can get my hair cut done? )=
should i get a new hair style?

12:07 AM,
Wednesday, August 13, 2008

Yes, its gym again tmr!

11:24 PM,
Wednesday, August 6, 2008


Went to gym today, and i saw gene running on track mill
surprisingly. hah.
Wed is like a workout day for me.lols.
Went to play bball with owen and gang at night.
robin la! always giving excuses when its invaild!!
argghhh.... ... garr... ....
And now, im left all worn-out!!

11:37 PM,
Thursday, July 31, 2008

My Love

I've came across lots of strong women in my life,
but only few gained my true respect for them..
1 of them is my NaiNai(granny) :
I'll always remember how and what my '99'

did for me. She used to work at Macdonalds
when i was young at maybe about till primary sch?
My 99 place was 1 of my favourite spot to go,
as she would shower me with all the favourite
Macdonalds meals and the toys from Mac which has always been my favourite!!
I'm not really sure, but my mommy told me that when i was young, i was quite
rebellious against my 99, But i totally had no idea of it cause i seriously just loved her
too much!!!

But 1 thing for sure that is still kept in my head was that,
when i was young, i used to keep kicking the blanket.(Ti Bei)
And once, i was sleeping with my 99 and i actually kicked her on her leg?
I think i kicked real hard or something cause i woke my 99 up. )=
And ever since, i had never 'Ti Bei' again, cause i'm afraid i might kick her again.
hah, silly me, but i won't stop loving and changing myself for the better to her! (=

my granny *hugs*

Another woman of my love would be my grandmother!
Hah, shes is the
COOLEST elderly i've ever known of.
Tho she doesnt say it on her mouth, but deep inside,
i know she loved my kor kor and me alot.
Our dinner is cooked by my 'ah ma' usually at the stall she has at hawker around
circuit rd.
Ah ma is really active for her age of 70+? lol.
But she really knows how to eat and pamper herself for good.
I think, she has actually travelled half of the world already bah?
Tho she doesn't really like to walk alot, she can eat the hell outta you!
Well, shes a real strong woman thinking that she brought up 8 children
and TONS of grandchildrens. Heh, our family is real big.
Even tho my grandpa passed away 6 years ago,
but his death didn't affect her at all.
Well, i just loved her lah!

ah ma with christmas cap! heh,so cute!

Above are 2 most beloved women of my life.
And they are 1 of the people that kept me moving in my life,
trying to achive the goal i had always wanted.
And they are also the pillar of my strenght,
as they're always there for me when i need someone.
Thank God i have these 2 strong women in my life besides my mommy.
Really, Thank you lord.(=

10:58 PM,
Tuesday, July 29, 2008


Argh! I got conned by my mommy outta my bed!
She came into the room early in the morning,
and said:
Ran ar! wake up ! lets go shopping!

Being a shoppaholic, I climb-ed outta my bed
immediately and went to bath..

little did i know.... .... ..... .... ..... .....






Was told that this is a type of fish.. o.o

but ofcuz, being my ah ma, She kept asking me which 1
belongs to me... -_-"

in e end, they made me hold 15kg worth of THESE!

yes yes, in the end the 'shopping' i thought of
was totally different from the 'shopping' my mom mentioned.
But oh well..

Anyway, i saw a lizard/croc like reptile under my hse yesterday. Should i say it was running or should i say it was flying? It ran so fast even the kids that was ranting about couldn't chase after it.

upon seeing this,
Me: WA!!!
Audrey: AHHH!!!! AHHH!!!!!*jumped backwards*
Me: Siao ar! you scared me la!
Audrey: EE what is tat?!?!

police finally arrived after like 30mins.
but were totally helpless to the creature..
And in the very end? lol.

tada! it was captured by my dad's fren.

police then took it back.
wonder what they're gonna do with it.. =/
cook it? LOL

12:52 AM,
Saturday, July 26, 2008

Hah!! , i had a dream last night!!
woke up with a GREAT GREAT smile on my face!
Guess it was the best dream and happiest dream ever. (=
I shall not say who is that person i dreamt of and lets call
that person 'dp'=p

p/s: jie i know your reading. I did not dream on ur wuzun ! =p

Neway, I dreamt i was holding hand with 'dp'!!!
and dp even held my hand real tight!!!
the smile.... damn....
Falling more and more deeply in love~
The look on your face stuns me, it just keep getting deeper and deeper!


heh, besides having a happy dream,it was andrea's birthday as well.

wishing time~

hm... why did she point at the candle? idk also =s

Well, anyway, HAPPY 12th BIRTHDAY AUDREA!!!
Smile always and good luck for your

1:59 PM,
Thursday, July 24, 2008

Seriously, i don't know what is wrong with blogger. More and more problems starts to come.
Neway, Just got back from playing Tennis with kor today. My first time playing. LOL!
Well.... ... ... .. ... ...
ok fine! , i suck at tennis. Come on, its my first try only and i could serve like a pro already! :D
After that, we decided to head back home and this is where mother nature drop her first atomic surprise gift for me.

Me:(Texting sms)
Kor:eh,i we go and buy rice already, then need to start work.
Me:HUH?! i thought you said i could rest for a day?
Kor: i meant i start work la.
Me:oh ok,(still texting)
*then heard the sound of piak*

I was thinking a leaf fall on me and little did i know... ... ...

Kor:RAN!!! Whats tat thing on ur head?!
Me:? what thing? OH FK

Sigh... ... Damn the bird that shit-ed on me. Screw YOU!!!

Found it in the fridge with my name on it! It was a gift from my ah ma!

Dad woke up real early to get these durian for us. Its from Err.... Holland road? At the hill? idk. haha

The tennis court

Me camwhoring(=

9:50 PM,
Tuesday, July 22, 2008

....................... Dunno whats wrong with my blogger, theres isn't any colour selections nor is there any wording selections?! -__-"
What the hellllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll is going ON!!! Argh!!

Anyway, been really buzy the previous week and was really lazy to blog =s


(p/s) aud, i posted it earlier then you!! (=

7:23 PM,
Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Found a song from net. Tho its not really knew song, but its really nice.
Its called "男人女人"

and heres the lyrics:









1:43 AM,
Monday, July 14, 2008

Heh,notice anything different?! did some changes to my blog.
Heard this song from a game link-er called Garena. The new song of my blog is called "Dear God". Fell in love with it from the first time i heard it.
Actually, i like the chorus only...
yes yes the chorus is the best part!
And, must really ty audrey for helping me with my blog everytime.lol. Ty hor aud!~

enjoy the song (=

11:15 PM,
Friday, July 11, 2008


Argh! so tired!! woke up in the morning at 10am+ and start the searching for that "All Purpose Flour" and in the end..? NONE! so i have to call pris to get it for me at the supermarket near her school. In the end, we started baking at 4pm+

The conversation:

me: eh, wheres the instructions for making ?
pris: they didnt write there
me: ... how can it be?!?!?
pris: OH! (went to search for it)
me: wads the amount of butter?
pris: 14 tablespoons?
me: WTF?
pris: oh wait 4 tablespoons.
me: -_-" oi! look properly!

*while mixing the sugar
me:wtf... y so much sugar?!?
pris: dunno, it says 2/3 cup of sugar wad.
me:no more vanilla lei ><
pris:go n buy la
me: gah,forget it!*pours everything in*
pris:eh leave some for 2nd batch incase this batch fails hor
me:i poured everything o.o
pris:wtf? u idiot ar!
me: aiyah, nvm de!
me: wtf? wheres the sugar in my container?!??
pris: all inside the mixer loh
pris:*laughings* ya *now to mix everything
pris: you know, i think i can be a good chef and i'll be 1 someday
me: err.. ok.. , but tell me where u work k, cuz i'll not go to tat resturant whr ur gonna cook =s
pris: fucker!*laughing*
The first try. Failed but it taste fabulous cuz its xtra crispy!
and tat gave us the idea to make our very own "Pandeleins"

The final product of our madeleins
The Mini madeleins
The Pandeleins!our very own madeleins =D
Its sooooooooo crispy and im loving it!

When pandeleins being cutted into rectangle shape.
p/s : a idiot took everything away for her frens ! -_-"