12:15 AM,
Tuesday, September 30, 2008


Finally! lol. My training at lego shop is going to end soon in 2 days time!
yea finally!!

Alice auntie was a nice and patient boss to me. Infact, 1 of the nicest boss i've seen so far.:p

Went out to study with pris on sunday. We had popeyes first thing we reached there, but to our horror, it was overcrowed and we couldn't find seats for us to sit down.

So much for the "serenity" at T3 eh?
Thought it was supposed to be empty and quiet, good location to study for people. Guess we were wrong. hah!

Having a empty stomach and worn out legs, we struggled to T1 which is like 100000000Km away from us.
It was crowed as well, but we managed to find ourselves seats =p

Pris ordered a 2 pieces chicken meal with whipp , and i ordered 3 pieces chicken meal with fries.

The convo:

Pris : The portion looks so small...... -_-
Me : hah, im ordering 3 pieces then.

Me : hi , can i have 3 piece chicken meal with fries, upsize and i want all to be breast or thighs.

3 sec later.....

Pris : WTF!

Me: ya wtf! SO BIG!
Pris: not fair la!
Me: the lady likes me. haha hates u!
Pris : im gonna eat 1 of yours!

In the end, we were so full, we couldn't study at all and all we could think of was SLEEP!
Kinda defeat the purpose of going Airport to study eh? hah!
Till next time!


11:08 PM,
Tuesday, September 23, 2008


Im officially employed!

Went to work at Ngee ann today. Had my training.
It was fun and the boss was really nice.
Good environment,Moderate pay, Good boss, Good slacking job!

Haha, what more can i expect huh? XD

11:13 PM,
Saturday, September 13, 2008

Happy B'day To The Both of You!

Happy B'day To The Both of You!

Happy B'day To The Both of You!

Happy B'day To My Dearest MOMMI and Kor!!

You 2 know i loves u guys most (:

p/s: I still want my watch!

4:11 PM,
Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Weee!! ,

New haircut!

New blogskin!

New shirt!

New pants!

New shows!

Everything NEW!!


12:20 PM,
Sunday, September 7, 2008

Sg Flyer

Early in the morning, my aunt called to ask if im free in the evening,
So i told her yes. Then she told me that shes bringing us all to sit the "sg flyer".
Thinking in my head ~ "sg flyer" = "Hot air balloon"
Till my mom told me... Its Faires Wheel.....
Hesitating cause of height phobia, they still pulled me there. ):

Well... It was fun... BUT! scary!! xD
The cabin was real big tho, and the senery from top was totally different from wad we see directly from the front! In the end, tho the whole journey was quite fast,
It was quite an experience! ty God i went there!

Entry tickt.

was suppose to have 4 ppl


Look at our eyes!


The Girls

The family foto

12:07 AM,
Monday, September 1, 2008


It has been a shytty hell of a week for me.
The entire week is like just not my week.

Totally pissed that i didnt even ate dinner
or just ate 1 meal a day.

But today,

Just now....

30mins ago...

. . .

. .



My opinion and anger in me just faded away.


Cause my brother came in and spoke to me.
He knew i was pissed off,
My mother knew i was pissed off,
My dad knew i was pissed off.

He talked to me about things and stuffs.
Which i felt what he said about me was true.

Maybe its time for me to think about what i've been doing..
Maybe its time for me to do some reflection. . .
Maybe its time for me to slower down my foot steps and take a look at my surrounding...

Be4... i regret everything..

p/s. yes. im glad to have you as my brother as well.(: