9:40 PM,
Monday, June 30, 2008


These are origami made from towels by my cousin and her friends.
The money raised would be donated to a Home as charity.
Keep up the good work! ;)

8:00 PM,
Sunday, June 29, 2008


YES!, I DID IT!!! lalalal~~~ went to jog today with pris around circuit road for 2 rounds! Tho it almost killed me, but it was fun! xD When the alarm sounded at 5.30am, i dont wanna wake up initially and was thinking of an excuse to tell her, but! i still managed to get myself out of the bed! >=) yes yes! this is a start of something good!
Well, even tho i didnt really jog fully for the 2nd round, but i did my very best!
heh, hope i could jog everyday or at least 3x a week! =d

12:00 AM, SleepingBeauty


*yawns* im still sleepy. =/
heh, Owen and gang left my hse at abt 7am in the morning after a series of Lan-ing,Movie Maraton, and Taupuk-ing.
IM SO TIRED! l0l. i slept as soon as they left my hse till around 12pm. Woke up and ate steamboat with kor till abt 1pm and went for my beauty sleep again till around 7pm+ when pris called to accompany her to hawker for steamboat. YES! can u believe it? Ever since yesterday night, i've been eating steamboat for like 3 times already? I'm so gonnna get sick of it soon. =_="
Well, it was fun as it was the first taunting i've had. (= im not a good Taunter, as i couldnt resist sleeping. >.>" So far, its the 2nd time i've taunt, since staying over at ming's hse.
Basically, i've actually done nth today besides sleeping and eating.Total "Pig" 's life!
Anyway, Kor was telling me to help him with his work in his tuition agency. So, my job is to contact the clients and tutors. Once i've closed the deal, i'll get a 8bucks commission on each deal.
Kinda easy money since im kinda free during weekdays as My dear ming started his sch! >=(
Well, its a important task for me , since it my kor who asked me to help him with it. Im gonna do a good job at it ;) *hope so* okok, i'll try my best and not be a SLACKER like what jie always said i am -.-"
kk, gonna end now. Need to sleep earlier so i could wake up early to jog with pris. T.T" Gosh, 6am! l0l!

2:32 AM, TONNING!!!
Saturday, June 28, 2008

gosh... whr shud i start? they're still messing with my bed nw.(zh,owen,zs and jc). Munching tibits like hungry ghost. =.="
As usual, i was SUPER buzy like yesterday. Went to meet zh for lunch and after tat, we went to buy foods for the steamboat later on. At abt 7+ we started the dinner. It was steamboat cum bbq. Well, the food was fabulous, as it was prepared by my mom.After eating, they went into my room and started LAN-ing using their laptops. It was so funny when jc and me kept killing dem! XD!

well, gonna end it nw. need to watch movie! lols.

Friday, June 27, 2008

WOAH! yes~ juz finished packing the entire hse MYSELF! i repeat, MYSELF! Actually, after packing the entire hse myself, i felt tat my hse isnt as messy as i thought it would be.Just a little packing here and there, and it will do the job. It took me like abt 2hrs? non-stop packing and finally vaccuming and mopping.lols.
ok,now abt what i did today besides "spring cleaning". I went to meet audreyK,Jc and owen today at cityhall MRT to chill out and shop. We went to MrktPlace for the first stop to visit the aunties there.Cuz it was the place we worked since last yr's sep-jan.Saw auntie dorathy and chatted with her for awhile.She actually 1 of my favourite aunties around there, as she would joke and take care of us.(= (im gonna miss u so much!)
After that, we procced to Suntec as cityhall has actually nothing to shop for and the things there were pretty expensives. Reaching suntec, we decided to eat first ,as all of us are kinda hungry. We then went to carrefour to look at the prices of the food for tmr's steamboat at my hse.Oh, owen bought his flip flops there as well.Gosh, his foot is LONG yes i ment REALLY long.
After lame-ing at carrefour, audrey said she wanna get herself some new clothes for her baptism(congratz eh) so we decided to accompany her to shop for clothes instead of playing arcade which we initially decided to. Wow, to our surprised, while aud was shopping for her clothes, owen and i found a table soccer at a resting corner!!(Now, who said gd ppl never get paid?) heh, i tink u could guess wads next. YES! , we went to terrorise the entire place and laid our hands on the table soccer!! Like i mentioned, time flies like nobody, it was like 10+ already and we decided to go home after a photo taking session at there and playing hide-and-seek with audrey at the shopping there. lol. we're kinda lame. And ya, as u know after i went bak home, i started packing my ass off (= DANG! my hands r now numb!!

1:38 AM, Organizing
Thursday, June 26, 2008

ahhh!! juz finished playing dota. argh! i got own totally ty to the bad delays im having lately. its so not my game! I went to surf the channel n watched Nip/Tuck. At first it was gross, as they were showing how the patient got operated. god... it was like... er xin ? Tho Ming told me not to watch it as no matter how good my appetite would be, i would still puke and wont even think of eating. True enough T_T after cooking my fried rice , i didnt touch it at all. It was a total turn off as i could actually imagine those food as the patient's meat! Even tho the show was er xin, but its a really good show and i loved it! yaya i got bored at prison break. l0l. juz wanna watch something new! =p
well, at least a gd news today, cuz some1 promised to bring me to m'sia~ yay! 3 cheers for u!
sigh.. i feel like going to LA or some western country. =/ SG is juz too boring, cuz , owen , audrey and me was discussing where to meet tmr and we actually couldnt really come out with any good places to shop as ALL yes i ment ALL was BORING! SG is juz a boring small little country. Safe and secured, but shopping juz sucks. im so gonna shop till u drop when im at m'sia. hah.
bring more money k? =p kk, time to end the story. gonna go play dota with bernard n gang now. till tmr! ciao!

11:02 PM, ShoppingSpreeee
Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Wee!! tues is usually 1 of my favourite day as its usually our family day.. yep, as usual i woke up and my mom will cook up some delicious food for me, and i had rice with chicken mixed with potatoes and a piece of fish.What a wonderful mommi i had.=D
Really appreciate her alot.Well, as planned, we went to the bank and withdrew money for my brother first at UOB, then, mom wanted to get herself a cup of coffee at "Ya Kun" so we decided to settle down for awhile at "Ya Kun" for some tea break eating "Old Chang Kee" and drinking coffee.
After which, we went for a shopping spree at parkway. There were sales everywhere! and after much shopping i got myself a pants and shirt , while mommi got herself like 4? =.="
We shop and shop without realising the time and it was like 6 going 7. Wow, time really flies leaving nothing behind. After the shopping, daddi picked us up at the bus stop near a durian stall where mommi decided to get him some durians since it was his Hot favourite. Hah.
Well, thats all for today. Gonna go watch my show le! Ciao~!

11:33 PM, Hans
Monday, June 23, 2008

yaya, went to Hans today! dunno wad got into ZL,Owen,audrey and me, but we decide to meet up and eat at hans today ^^ it was abt 6pm, Owen, Jc ,Zl and Jtan came to my hse to gather first be4 going to meet audrey and walk to the Hans beside. But when they're at my hse, after packing the whole hse for 1hr, i was all worn out when they started coming into my room to play monopoly. Something hit on us mayb, we lost intrest in playing it and started keeping the monopoly. But right after i finish keeping the monopoly set MYSELF, Owen and Jc started pulling me to bed and grabbed my legs and "taupuk" me on my bed. After tat,Jtan and Zl joined in and they started tat "5 Horse spliting body"(5 Ma Fen Si) on ME! i was dying for hlp when they did that, but they're juz bunch of crazy ppl whom doesnt wanna let me go easily. )= After awhile tho,i started screaming audrey is waiting for us le, if we dont go she'll kill us le! huahua, ty to audrey, they let me off finally. After that, we proceed to Hans after meeting up with audrey. At hans , we started ordering our Food and after eating , owen took out his lappy and we started playing with it. initially,we was gonna make stephen or some1 at the msn but we chose Zh instead.haha. when Zh started asking who else was there we told him Jc is here as well,but he said he couldn't See him in the webcam as Jc was studying opposite me. So me and owen decided to say Jc is at the toilet screwing Zs now, and rite after tat , Jc started to pull my hair off my head and all of dem juz follow suit n started the touch touch thingy, touching my body and messing up my hair.. =_= poor me! i was totally bullied by them! As rite after they finished their cakes , they caught me unnoticed and took my cake away from me and helped themself to it. liu.. My chocolate traffuer lei! argh! after tat , we went down to take a few pics along the way back home at trinity and Audrey's condo. After tat, all of us left home happily with the memories at Hans today ^^ argh! i still got bullied! i'll have my revenge!

2:27 AM,

l0ls. OK CONFESSION TIME! yes ur rite, i couldnt wake up again.. -_-" seriously... is waking up at 6am being irrealistic? sigh... i really ponders. no matter how much i yearn to jog , the laziness in me tends to spoil everything! At nite, i went to hawker and ate my dinner as Ah Ma was cooking. As usual,the food was sumptous! uncle pete went to buy some coffee and i took a few sip from my mom's cup, suddenly my aunty juz shouted out*OI!* cannot drink! cuz theres some black substances inside the coffee like black sauces... lol isnt it?(c hw caring n detailed my family were) after tat i went home together with my aunt with packets of food for my dad n kor.
After eating till i drop, i was back home chatting with jie and my frens while watching incredible tales!
todays' episode is like emily rose -_- so scary. lol.
den weiming called and guess wad, i was actually multi tasking! not bad for a single track mind huh? XD talking , typing and watching prison break! oh yea prison break wasnt as bad as i thought it would be. ty ar ZS for intro-ing XD
well gonna go now. have to slp early. Nights~

11:58 PM, Another day
Saturday, June 21, 2008

Hmm.. nth really special today, as usual, i'll wake up, on my com n start botting in cabal (*Grinz*) den i'll juz keep on surfing the net n look for movies(usually comedy or romance genres). Haiz, i kept thinking myself when am i going to get my army enlistment letter to inform me when i have to enter army. Actually theres a Mixed feeling inside of me about entering NS. Im actually scared to enter NS , as i feel what if i couldnt make it thru those exercise they had or whatever training i have to face, but sometimes i thought of entering NS as a "Deadline" for me to slim down n keep myself fit.

Actually, i thought of preparing myself by doing running everyday around circuit rd to maintain myself and built up my stamina , and ofcuz, slim dwn.. But as usual, IM JUZ TOO LAZY!!! DAMMIT! ARGH! i swear im so gonna wake up tmr at 6 and jog!!(I *hope*) sighz... NS NS NS!!! argh DAMN U!
seriously, come to think of it , it has been 6 mths. im like slacking at hme and work sometimes on and off. seriously , i think its time for me to get my life on the road and do something for myself!! YEA!!! (= well lets hope i can success in doing my jogging everyday!!! argh! >=(

1:09 PM, Birth Of 1stDeconstruction

Yea!! Finally i've made a blog again. It has been long ever since i last create a blog. hmm. Nothing really much to say infact, just really happy i get to have a blog again after like MONTHs! hehes.